About us

our story

First things first … that’s not my kitchen in the pictures - my kitchen is a lot messier than that.

But, other than sharing the truth about my kitchen, I’d love to share with you how this wonderful business, Are You Going To Eat that? began…

It was actually at a tipping point when I bought a barramundi from Coles one day. The intention was to eat it that week - a high bar for someone who felt alarmingly burnt out. After forgetting it was in the fridge, I came across it one day after the due date - “I’ll give it a go” I thought. On opening it, I nearly fainted. It was not for my tummy, it was for the bin.

$14. That’s how much the barramundi cost me. But it wasn’t just about the money - it was the guilt that came with it of the wider impact I was having on the environment. This wasn’t the first time and it certainly didn’t feel like the last, and that really weighed on me - the impact my disorganisation was having on the environment. Guilt(y).

On the face of it, it can seem a simple and disorganised thing. But the reality was, I was burnt out. I was struggling to keep on top of everything and, if you have ever experienced that before, even the smallest things like Barry the Barramundi can make you feel like you are failing.

I needed a solution, and I needed it fast. And so EAYH (ea-yah) was born. An acronym (so I sound cool) that stands for Environmentally Automate Your Home. A solution to help busy people make and automate better choices at home for them and the environment.

Our first product comes in the form of Are You Going to Eat That? an app specifically designed to reduce household food wastage easily.

In short, it is an app that keeps an inventory of all the food in your house and alerts you when an item is coming up for expiry. To ensure ease of use, the app will allow you to scan products using their bar codes. Once scanned, an automated expiry date will be allocated and then, you leave the rest to us. When it comes time to nudge you, you will receive a notification to start planning to use the food. But wait… there’s more. We will also be embedding a recipe generator that suggest meals based on your current food stock to help you use it.

We can’t wait for what is ahead with you. Our app has even been recognised and featured in VOGUE AUSTRALIA 2023 (say whaaaaaaaat?!) for it’s innovation and focus on sustainability

Together, let’s salvage more Barrys! x

Are You Going To Eat That Founder Yolander Kerr

Our Founder

Are You Going To Eat That? Was founded in 2023 when our Founder, Yolanda, decided enough was enough - she needed to curb how much food was going to waste in her own home. What we love about Yolanda is her authenticity in that she doesn’t profess to know it all when it comes to household food wastage - why? Because she is her own ideal customer. What our founder is exceptional at is bringing ideas to life, researching and getting things done. Yolanda is an ex-criminal defence lawyer and a Head of Growth for a consultancy firm in APAC. She is a mum to two - Lochlyn and her floof son, Koby - along with her partner in crime, John.