Announcing: Pantry Pageant 2024!

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to witness the most exciting event of the year - Pantry Pageant! That's right, we're talking about Ms Pantry 2024, where spices and ingredients battle it out for the coveted crown of freshness and organisation.

But before we dive into the glitz and glamour of this pantry extravaganza, let's address a serious issue - those pesky out-of-date spices lurking in the depths of your pantry. It's time to reorganise and take charge!

See ya lair Spice

First things first, let's throw out those expired spices. We don't want any Cinderella stories turning into pumpkin disasters. And hey, don't worry if you can't keep track of all those expiration dates, we have you covered with our downable inventories on our homepage to help you keep on top of items from here on in (there is even a section for ideas/plan). This is of course until our fabulous, outstandingly wonderful app is ready for you! 

Keep the choas organised

Secondly, organisation is key. We recommend dedicating a min. of 45 mins+ to organising your pantry. So get some good music on and hunker down for a little while so next time you open your pantry - everything is accessible, and, in date! We felt some inspiration would helpful and so click here to be taken to some aesthetically pleasing pantries on Pinterest. 

In summary, folks: clean out those outdated ingredients, never underestimate the power of a trusty notepad or google sheet and be inspired by other’s organisational skills. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to becoming the reigning champion of the pantry organisation.

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the show as Miss Pantry 2024 takes centre stage!

Yours deliciously, Are You Going To Eat That Team? x


 “I feel pretty” - your fridge