“I feel pretty” - your fridge

Let's talk about making your fridge feel good about itself and reduce food wastage at the same time! Because who says you can't have an organised and aesthetically pleasing fridge while also saving the environment?

Freshen That Fridge 

Freda the Fridge feels better when she’s organised. It’s easy to just chuck food into the fridge as a shop - but if you add in that extra 2 minutes to organise it, it reduces the likelihood of items being missed throughout the week. Best ways to organise? There are several ways (in fact, pinterest can get overwhelming sometimes!) but here are two of our favourites are: 

  1. Organise your food into days of the week. This helps you to give you a visual guide of how you plan on using up your food that week. It also helps when you have left overs to re-jig items to ensure they get used. This is like a 4D meal planner and can be really effective. 

  2. Buy some clear tubs to help categorise the food easily. This will allow you to see what is left to use for that impromptu Pad Thai or else when you are running low on stock. No more science experiments growing in Tupperware containers! 


Until our wonderful, can’t live without it app is up and running, make the most of a digital or physical inventory. In fact, we have a free digital downland and a printable inventory to help you with staying on top of those expiry dates that seem to come around like a pendulum swing! 

Remember, a pretty fridge is not just about looks - it's about reducing food wastage and making a positive impact on our environment. So go ahead, make your fridge feel pretty while saving the planet one meal at a time! That’s all folks. Let’s keep it simple! 

Yours deliciously, Are You Going To Eat That? Team x


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